UrgoTul Ag is a non-adherent conformable dressing with TLC-Ag silver healing matrix to combat local infection.

- Quick and effective reduction of bacterial load (1)
- Efficacy demonstrated in a Randomised Controlled Trial, with significant reduction of signs of local infection by restarting the healing process (2)
UrgoTul Ag is indicated for the treatment of wounds at risk of infection or showing signs of local infection:
- Burns
- Traumatic wounds
- Surgical wounds
- Lower limb wounds
- Diabetic foot ulcers
- Pressure ulcers
Due to its non-adhesive nature, UrgoTul Ag is recommended for the treatment of wounds with weakened peri-wound skin.
1. Clean the wound according to local protocol, and rinse with saline
2. Apply the micro-adherent side of the dressing in contact with the wound
3. Cover with a secondary dressing
Change the dressing every 1-3 days at the start of treatment, and then for up to 7 days considering levels of exudate and clinical wound status.
1. Urgo TLC Silver range, Data on file.
2. Lazareth I et al. The role of a silver releasing lipido-colloid contact layer in venous leg ulcers presenting inflammatory signs suggesting heavy bacterial colonization : results of a randomised controlled stydy. Wounds 2008 ; 20(6) :158-166.