UrgoTul Range

The UrgoTul Family range of dressings are for patients whose skin needs that extra TLC. The Technology Lipido-Colloid (TLC) healing matrix:

  • Provides and maintains a moist environment to support wound healing (1,2,3,4)
  • Enables key cells for healing (4,5)

  • Ensures harm-free care for patients (6)
UrgoTul waiting room

Mode of action where the TLC (Technology Lipido-Colloid) Healing Matrix is in contact with the wound

Specifically designed to improve clinical outcomes

improvesProvides and maintains a moist wound healing environment(1,2,3,4)

improves Stimulates fibroblast proliferation(4,5)

improvesPain-free and atraumatic removal(6)

improvesClinically evaluated on over 54,000 patients in observational and clinical studies(7)

The contact layer
Can be cut
Can be combined with secondary dressing

Healing Matrix

TLC Healing Matrix

  • Provides and maintains a moist environment
  • Allows pain-free and atraumatic removal
UrgoTul Absorb
The non-bordered foam
Can be cut Can be combined with secondary dressing

absorbent polyurethane foam layer

Absorbent polyurethane foam

  • Protects the peri-wound skin against maceration
Healing Matrix

TLC Healing Matrix

  • Provides and maintains a moist environment
  • Allows pain-free and atraumatic removal
UrgoTul Absorb Broder
The silicone bordered foam

Silicone backing

Silicone backing

  • Easy to apply & Ready-to-use
  • Stays in place for up to 7 days
  • Shower-proof
Highliy absorbant layer

Highly absorbant layer

  • Absorbs and retains exudate
absorbent polyurethane foam layer

Absorbent polyurethane foam

  • Protects the peri-wound skin against maceration
Healing Matrix

TLC Healing Matrix

  • Provides and maintains a moist environment
  • Allows pain-free and atraumatic removal
Kind to skin

Good efficacy(8)

improves 100%
patient comfort at dressing change(9)

improves 100%
ease of removal(8)

improves 100%
patient comfort while the dressing was in place(9)
of patients experienced reduced pain on removal
MAPP study (2004).6

We are the only wound care company accredited by the British Skin Foundation
Recognised after a robust, independent review of our extensive research and clinical data

The accreditation demonstrates our commitment to creating products that are not detrimental to a patient’s skin health and our dedication to being the healing company.

Get in touch with your local representative for more information about the UrgoTul Range

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1. Le Berre M, Lurton Y, Maia S, Roebroeck V, Durand J, Gicquel V, Basle B. Pansements impregnes : tulles/interfaces. Poster, CPC 2005, Paris.

2. Parpex P. et al. Management of venous leg ulcers with Cellosorb Micro-adherent dressing: results of a multi-centre clinical trial. Phlebologie 2010; 63: 76-82.

3. Meaume S, et al. Use of a new, flexible lipidocolloid dressing on acute and chronic wounds: results of a clinical study. J Wound Care. 2011;20(4):180,182-5.

4. Bernard., F.X., Barrault, C., Juchaux, F., et al.Stimulation of the proliferation of human dermal fibroblasts in vitro by a lipidocolloid dressing. J Wound Care 2005; 14: 5, 215–220. (Study conducted on UrgoTul)

5. FX. Bernard, F. Juchaux et al., Effets d’un pansement lipido colloide sur la production de matrice extracellulaire. Journal des Plaies et gCicatrisations, 2007. (Study conducted on Urgotul).

6. Meaume, S., Teot, L., Lazareth, I. et al. The importance of pain reduction through dressing selection in routine wound management: the MAPP study. J Wound Care 2004; 13: 10, 409–413.

7.  White, R., Cowan, T., Glover, D. Supporting evidence-based practice: a clinical review of TLC healing matrix (2nd edition). MA Healthcare Ltd, London, 2015.

8. Benbow M., Iosson, G. A clinical evaluation of UrgoTul to treat acute and chronic wounds. Br J Nurs 2004; 13: 2, 105–109.

9. Burton, F. An evaluation of non-adherent wound-contact layers for acute and surgical wounds J Wound Care 2004; 13: 9, 371–373. 

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