UrgoKTwo and UrgoKTwo Reduced (Also available in latex free)


A multicomponent, compression system composed of a soft padded short-stretch bandage and a cohesive long-stretch bandage to achieve therapeutic pressure of ≈40mmHg (or 20mmHg from UrgoKTwo Reduced) at the ankle, for venous leg ulcers, venous oedema and lymphoedema, which require compression for healing.

At Urgo Medical, we have 3 principles for good compression – The 3 C’s

Continuous Compression
The pressure remains the same for up to 7 days and at all activity levels thanks to both a short stretch as well as a long stretch bandage.(2)

Consistent Compression
85% of nurses achieve therapeutic levels of compression at first application due to the unique PresSure indicators.(3)

Comfortable Compression
95% of patients found UrgoKTwo comfortable during the day
92% of patients found UrgoKTwo comfortable at night.(3)

Get to know UrgoKTwo

UrgoKTwo is a multicomponent bandage, meaning that it is made of more than one compression bandage, of different elasticities. UrgoKTwo is formed of the K-Tech layer, a short stretch bandage, and the K-Press layer, a long stretch bandage.

The combined effects of both bandages mean that UrgoKTwo is able to provide continuous, consistent and comfortable compression, both when active and at rest.

UrgoKTwo’s unique PreSsure system technology facilitates consistent application of the recommended therapeutic pressure levels required, from the very first application.


  • High pressure level, of around 40 mmHg at the ankle.
  • Reduced levels of compression at 20mmHg with UrgoKTwo Reduced where so indicated.
  • Massage effect when walking, promoting venous return and the reduction of oedema, and moderate pressure at rest for continuous compression.
  • Ease of application: with the PresSure system, the therapeutic pressure level is obtained from the very first application.
  • High level of comfort, day and night, for better treatment compliance.
  • The system can remain in place for up to 7 days.


Treatment of venous leg ulcers, venous oedema and lymphoedema, justifying strong compression.


Before applying the bandages

  • In the event of a wound, apply a suitable dressing before applying the bandage.
  • Examine the shape of the leg to identify any zones at risk of excess pressure (bony prominences) and protect them with wadding if necessary.
  • Measure the ankle circumference and check that the appropriate kit has been chosen (18-25 cm or 25-32 cm).
  • It is best to apply the compression system in the morning on getting up or after having elevated the patient’s legs for an hour, in order to minimise orthostatic oedema.
  • Depending on the indication, apply the bandages up to the knee or thigh and use the appropriate bandage widths, using the following application methods.

Application method

  • “Under the knee” application method
  1. Hold the foot at a 90° angle – “toes to nose”.
  2. Make sure that the wadded side of the white bandage is in direct contact with the skin and the pressure indicators printed on the bandage are at the top edge of the bandage (size: 18-25 cm) or in the middle (size: 25-32 cm) of the bandage. Wrap the bandage around the foot once or twice to secure it, with moderate stretching (as per the pressure indicators), according to the vascular status and shape of the foot, as well as the presence of oedema.
  3. Then take the bandage around the ankle to make a figure of eight, ensuring full coverage of the heel.
  4. To attain the therapeutic pressure, apply the bandage up to the knee in spirals while continuing to stretch the bandage so that the pressure indicators form circles. To apply the correct overlap, each new spiral should cover the previous circle, positioning it at its base (size 18-25 cm: 50% overlap; size 25-32 cm: 2/3 overlap). Finish 2 cm below the knee.
  5. Warning! Always cut off any excess bandage. Do not wrap the excess bandage around the limb, as this would increase the pressure.
  6. Secure using adhesive tape.
  7. Apply the beige bandage (or the Latex Free beige bandage) over the white bandage, using the same method, starting one finger above the white bandage and finishing one finger below the white bandage so that only the white bandage is in direct contact with the skin. Once applied, press  the bandage gently with your hands to make sure the system is properly secured.
  • “Up to the thigh” application method

If necessary, apply a suitable bandage on the toes. To apply the bandage up to the thigh, follow the same method as for application to under the knee, but using the following bandage sequence:

Apply an 8 cm white bandage to the foot (or 10 cm depending on the foot size) and up to the ankle.

  1. Then apply a 10 cm white bandage. Stop just below the knee: bend the knee slightly. If required and for greater comfort, pad the back of the knee with wadding.
  2. Continue up to the top of the thigh with a 10 cm or 12 cm white bandage (the most appropriate) and secure in place with adhesive tape.
  3. Apply the beige bandage (or the Latex Free beige bandage) over the white bandage, using exactly the same bandage sequence and application method.
  4. Cut off any excess bandage. Once application is completed, press the bandage gently with your hands to make sure the system is properly secured.

UrgoKTwo (or UrgoKTwo Latex Free) should be left in place day and night until the next dressing change, to be decided on by the practitioner.
The UrgoKTwo/ UrgoKTwo Latex Free kit is for single use.




1. Lazareth I. et al. Efficacy of two compression systems (Urgo K2 vs Profore) in the local management of venous leg ulcers: results of a European randomized clinical trial. Journal of Wound Care vol 21, no 11, November 2012.
2. Jünger et al. Comparison of interface pressures of three compression bandaging systems used on healthy volunteers. J Wound Care (2009) 18(11): 474-80.
3. Hanna R. et al. A comparison of interface pressures of three compression bandage systems. British Journal of Nursing (2008) 17 (20): S16-S24.
4.Benigni J-P et al. Efficacy, safety and acceptability of a new two-layer bandage system for venous leg ulcers. J Wound Care (2007) 16 (9): 385-390.

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